Victoria and Alex at Anacortes, Washington

Portland Wedding Photographer - September 27, 2007

Reverend Stealing Gift Cards!

Portland Wedding Photographer - October 3, 2007

Crystal and James Wedding Pictures at Garden Vineyards

Portland Wedding Photographer - October 1, 2007
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The weather could not have been better at Crystal and James wedding at Garden Vineyards! Perfect clouds allowed me to get some great infrared photographs.

Here are a selection of pictures from their wedding:

Garden Vineyard Wedding

Garden Vineyard Wedding

Garden Vineyard Wedding

Garden Vineyard Wedding

Garden Vineyard Wedding

Garden Vineyard Wedding

Kids got married too!

Garden Vineyard Wedding

Garden Vineyard Wedding

First Dance:

Garden Vineyard Wedding

Garden Vineyard Wedding


Officiant Lyle Prather
Caterer Art Of Catering Jen Loveland
Cake Josephs Bakery Kate 503-231-0989
DJ All Wright Music Jill Wyman Jwyman@Teleport.Com